Kathleen F, 73:


Pam has been my personal trainer since February 2018. We meet up about two to three days a week. Our sessions include corrective exercises that focus on improving my range of motion in my shoulders and hips. Besides corrective exercise, we also focus on balance, upper body strength, and conditioning. Pam keeps the workouts interesting and always introduces new exercises to build on what we have previously worked on. Pam is professional, focused and she always ensured I had good workout within my capabilities. Along with her exercise knowledge, she provided good nutritional guidance that helped my decisions towards eating healthier foods. 

John M, 70:


I’m a 70 year old male who has been training with Pam since September 2019. I sought out a personal trainer to help me overcome strength, balance and coordination problems that had increased with age to the point where even navigating a cross walk and mounting a curb were problematic. Handling a heavily packed suitcase was also becoming increasingly difficult.

Now it's been 9 months that Pam has been my trainer. My strength and coordination are now better than they were when I was an active man in my 40s. Navigating an urban environment and hiking in the local parks are once again enjoyable. As part of our training sessions I routinely have carried a pair of 26 lb weights up and down a steep flight of stairs.

Pam has also introduced me to a new sport...weight lifting! At one time lifting a 40lb bag of cat litter was problematic. After 5 months of training with Pam I was able to dead lift 190 lbs.! One of the things I like best about Pam is her ability to rapidly adapt our training program to changing circumstances...even on the fly during a workout if need be. Recently I suffered a shoulder injury. While I went to my regular health care provider for treatment, Pam modified the training program to account for this

disability and she keeps the program updated as the shoulder heals.

Pam is extremely knowledgeable with years of training experience and is devoted to helping her clients achieve more than they imagined. Trust her, work diligently with her, give her honest feedback and she'll take you well beyond your original goals!

Katie C, 34:

I moved to the DC area in August of 2018 and was immediately impressed with Pam's positive attitude and professionalism. Her motivation and confidence is infectious as a coach and friend. Since then, I have worked with Pam on a weekly basis on strength, core, and high intensity training. Each session, Pam provides an extensive knowledge of a variety of exercises based on your personal needs. She works within your schedule and demonstrates excellent communication between sessions. She continues to empower and uplift my spirits every workout.
The past two years have brought many life challenges including a busy lifestyle and Cancer/Chemo. Pam supported me throughout the whole process helping me both mentally and physically with flexible strength training throughout my chemo treatments. As a triathlete, strength training is an important part of injury prevention and maintenance. Pam takes into account my swimming, biking, and running by creating fun, effective, and challenging workouts each week. I highly recommend Pam for all your movement improvement needs!

Frances, 53


My name is Frances. I’m a wife, mother of three young adults, and my profession is a stenographer/captionist. In early 2019, I started searching for someone who could  motivate me to do physical fitness as I did when I was a young Marine. I’ve had a great job in the D.C. area for approximately 30 years now, but it’s extremely demanding and very sedentary – and it comes with a long stressful commute.

I decided it was time for a change; this is not a healthy lifestyle. For exercise, I did occasionally walk, run, or bike, but it wasn’t enough. I needed that special motivator. Then I found Pam in March of 2019. I worked out in her strength training group classes for over a year, but I needed more. I needed individualized training to get the most benefit.

In the Spring of 2020, she became my own personal trainer! Pam has been instrumental in changing my life and health. She really pushes me, but, most importantly, she ensures I am working out safely. I feel very energetic after a good workout.

 I highly recommend Pam as your personal trainer, too. Whether you ask for her help once a week, or five times a week, Pam will be there for you!

Joan G, 64, Sterling, VA


As a 64 year old lady, I am grateful that Pam was my personal trainer.  Pam is incredibly knowledgeable, clearly explains why you are doing a particular exercise and listens to your feedback. She individualizes your exercise routine taking into consideration conditions that older individuals have to work around so you can safely maximize your strength and flexibility.


Amanda V, 50, Ashburn, VA


I have been working with Pam consistently for more than a year. She is hugely supportive of my goals, non judgmental, and her enthusiasm for fitness is contagious. Without hesitation I can say she is the most knowledgeable trainer I have ever worked with. I am 51 years old, and she has changed my body. I feel better than I have in a decade, and I actually really enjoy working out. She helped me with body positivity, showing me what My body can do instead of what It can’t do. Pam has pushed me to do things I didn’t think I was capable of. She helped me set goals and we reached them.

I have found her to be extremely flexible working with my busy schedule and her rates are very fair.

This summer I also signed two of my adult children up for some sessions with her and they were hooked.

I would recommend Pam Redburn to anyone who wants an open minded, educated trainer that will give you 100%.

Rachel C, 69, Reston, VA


I was referred to Pam by my chiropractor and have been working with her for approximately four months. Before COVID, I had been working out at a local gym with various trainers for approximately 7 years.

Pam is different from any trainer I’ve ever worked with. Her attention to detail in respect to my overall health is like nothing I have seen before. I work out with her twice a week switching between upper and lower body, conditioning and even HIIT. She keeps track of each workout increasing reps or weights as needed. Every previous trainer I had always used the same routine for every client no matter age, size or body limitations which I found a little concerning. If I’m struggling doing a certain exercise, she always has a work-around to help me strengthen the problem area (mine happens to be range of motion and a lack of shoulder strength from too many surgeries).

I would highly recommend Beyond Movement Improvement. I consider Pam an investment in my overall health, one that I really enjoy and continue to reap the benefits by seeing an improvement in my overall body and how I feel week after week. And one last thing, I’m almost 70!