What is Beyond Movement Improvement (BMI)?

Fitness Training With Intention

BMI’s mission: To improve confidence and independence in our client’s daily movement patterns through progressing their mobility & strength and decreasing the need to rely on external assistance.

About Beyond Movement Improvement, LLC

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Pam Redburn

BS Exercise Science

MS Nutrition

• BMI’s Focus: To serve to those with an intention to improve movement independence.

BMI’s Services: Each new client is initially taken through a full body movement assessment. Any present limitations are addressed through a thorough functional training program which includes: mobility, corrective exercise and strength training through a specific program design that is tailored for the client.

• BMI’s Goal: To increase each individual’s assurance to prevent injury and/or re-injury while building confidence in their own bodies through a conscience program design.

Save $15 on BMI’s new e-book!

BMI is now offering a 6-week fitness plan for beginner to intermediate fitness levels. This fitness guide is meant to complete independently and can be accessed via computer, phone, and tablet. This plan is based on a psychology based model for behavior change.

Included with a one-time fee:

-A detailed, step-by-step plan (38 pages) to achieve your health conscious lifestyle

-Detailed cardio and strength training plan

-100 video demonstrations

-Nutrition tips to enhance results

-Injury prevention education and mobility education

-Variety of methods and logs to track progress

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